Performances available for international tours


(5-10 years)


(2-5 years)


(4-8 years)

About Teater Tre

Teater Tre is a Swedish theatre group established in 1979. Since the beginning, our mission is to make quality theatre for children and youth. Besides giving shows on the stage in Stockholm, we tour in Sweden and worldwide. We have for instance performed in Uganda, Germany, Austria, South Korea, Namibia, China, Japan, the U.S and many other countries. Since all our performances use very few words, they can easily be translated to, and performed in, many different languages. 

Teater Tre's Mission

Our goal is to reach out to all children, regardless of their social, cultural or geographical background. We do this through a universal stage language that is characterized by few words and a great deal of movement. Our performances all have themes from everyday life that everyone, young and old, can identify with. Teater Tre wants to put Swedish theatre for children and youth on the world map. We want to awaken our audience’s curiosity for the theatre and for their own creativity. Teater Tre is also happy to invite international guest appearances to our home stage in Stockholm.

Creative Europe performing arts projects

Teater Tre is the only Swedish group within the Creative Europe project Small Size Performing Arts for Early Years , where groups from 15 countries work together to with the aim to promote the productions and visibility of performing arts for the early years in Europe. During the four year project (2014–2018) Teater Tre will produce three performances and host two baby theatre festivals. 


2018-2022, Teater Tre will be in the brand new Creative Europe project Mapping - A Map on the aesthetics of performing arts for early years - a large scale artistic research project with 18 partners from 17 countries.

Teater Tre is supported by The State Counsellor for Cultural Affairs, Stockholm City Culture Department, Stockholm County Council Culture Administration and the European Union.

International contacts:

International resumé

Osamsas (Siblings), 4-8 years

2023, Poland, Clowns without borders & Teatr Animacji
2022, Åland, Mariehamn, Nordic Institute

Drömskt (Dreamy), 1-2 years

2022, England, London, Polka Theatre- Big Dreams Festival
2021, Italy, Bologna, Visioni di Futuro di Teatro – International Festival of Performing Arts for Early Years
2021 Poland, Poznan, Teatr Animacji

Bo, for babies 6-18 months

2019, Finland, Helsinki, Annantalo
2018, Romania, Sibiu, Sibiu Young Festival
2018, Romania, Iasi, Iasi International Theatre Festival for Young Audience

Eli & Rio, 3-6 years

2019, Portugal, Porto, Teatro Municipal do Porto (upcoming)
2017, Italy, Bologna, Teatro Acrobaleno ("Rainbow Theatre")

Frö (A Seed), 2-4 years

2019, Austria, Salzburg, BimBam Festival
2018, Germany, Hamburg, KinderKinder Festival
2018, Ireland, Galway, Small Size Final Event
2018, Italy, Bologna, International Festival of Theatre and Culture for Early Childhood “Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro…” 
2017, Romania, Bucharest, "100, 1.000, 1.000.000 Stories" International Theatre Festival

Godnatt min skatt (Good Night Sleep Tight), 2-4 years

2018, Japan, Aichi-region, Joint Festival
2017, South Korea, Seoul, Nordic Culture Festival & National Library for Children and Youth
2017, China, Shanghai, Shanghai Children's Art Theatre
2017, China, Hong Kong, Theatre Space Foundation
2016, Japan, Okinawa, Ricca Ricca*Festa
2013, Spain, Madrid, Semanas internacionales de teatro para niñas y niños

Peka Trumma Dansa (Look Drum Dance), 1-3 years

2016, Italy, Bologna, International Festival of Theatre and Culture for Early Childhood “Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro…”

Kloss (Blocks), 3-6 years

2016, Japan, Aichi-region, Joint Festival
2015, Finland, Hämeenlinna: Hippalot Festival
2015, USA, Brooklyn Academy of music: BAMkids
2014, Sweden, Stockholm, Swedstage
2014, Netherlands, Hague, DeBetovering festival
2014, USA, New York, Swedish Performing Arts for Children and Young Audiences, APAP (Association of Performing Arts Presenters)
2013, Namibia, Windhoek
2012, Finland, Helsinki
2012, Denmark, Helsingør, Passage 12
2012, Norway, Oslo, Småkustfestivalen
2011, Japan, Okinawa, Kijimuna Festa, + tour in Kobe, Shisoka, Ida
2010, USA, New York, Scandinavian house
2010, USA, Washington, House of Sweden, Kennedy Center, Eurokids Festival

Bubbla (Bubble), 6-12 months

2012, Finland, Turku, Turku European Capital of Culture 2011
2008, Sweden, Lund, Bibu, Swedish Performing Arts Biennal for Children and Youth

Siv sover vilse (Siv Sleeps Astray), 5-9 years

2011, Uganda, Kampala

Sailor & Pekka, 6-11 years

2009, Finland, Helsinki
2008, Sweden, Lund, Bibu, Swedish Performing Arts Biennal for Children and Youth
2008, Austria, Vienna
2008, Germany, Nürnberg, Panoptikum Festival

Gamle Mannen och Valen (The Old Man and the Sea), 5-9 years

2009, Norway, Lillehammer

Halli Hallå (Halli Hallo), 2-4 years

2009, Romania, Bukarest, “100, 1.000, 1.000.000 Stories” - International Theatre festival
2008, Spain, Madrid, 2008, Festival de Teatro Semanas Internacionales de Teatro
2008, Austria, Linz, Schäxpir festival
2008, Australia, Melbourne, Art Play
2008, Australia, Adelaide, Assitej World Congres
2008, Italy, Bologna, International Festival of Theatre and Culture for Early Childhood “Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro…”
2007, Egypt, Cairo
2006, Camerun, Fatej Festival, Yaoundé
2006, Japan, Okinawa, Kijimuna Festa
2006, Sweden, Lund, Bibu - Swedish performing arts biennal for children and youth

Klä på, klä av (Clothes On, Clothes Off), 2-4 years

2008, Italy, Bologna, International Festival of Theatre and Culture for Early Childhood “Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro…”
2006, Japan, Okinawa, Kijimuna Festa
2004, Italy, Milano
2004, France, Reimes, Festival Méli’môme
2004, Estonia, Tallinn

Riddaren och Draken (The Knight and the Dragon), 4-10 years

2002, Spain, Madrid
2002, Estonia, Tallinn
2001, Latvia, Riga