Foto: Thomas Zamolo
I Can! (2-5 years)
Jag Kan! / I Can! is a body-poetic theater adventure for the youngest, about the happiness of coping. About how hard it can be to learn new things and how proud you become when you suddenly know what you couldn’t do before. The show wants to inspire self-confidence and self-esteem, the courage to try again when things go wrong and encourage creative problem solving.
Through play, humour and movement, we portray the trials and tribulations and triumphs common to the 3-year-old and the 63-year-old: I Can!
I Can! is a solo performance in a small format that can be performed at the preschool, on stage, in other venues or outdoors.
Idea: Per Dahlström & Kersti Björkman Cast: Per Dahlström Director: Daniel Goldmann Dramaturg: Kersti Björkman Set and costume design: Lina Serning Music & sound: Ulf Eriksson Lighting & technology: Anthony Cooks Mask: Helena Bernström Directors assistent: Catharina Cavalli Photo: Thomas Zamolo Launch photo: Jonas Jörneberg Producer: Lina Karlmark Artistic Director: Anne Jonsson
General info
Target group: 2-5 years and family Length of performance: about 30 minutes Audience size: max 50 children (for public performances 90 people in total) Venues: gymnasiums, libraries, assembly halls, large playgrounds or similar. Empty and clean room. Surface: needs to be a floor, cannot play on carpet or other soft mats. Playing area: 4 x 4 x 2.7m (width x depth x height). In addition, space is needed for the audience. The room therefore needs to be at least 4 x 10m. Technique: Ordinary electrical outlet. Preferably a darkened room. Construction/demolition: 2h / 1h
International contacts:
Lina Karlmark, international producer
+468 669 00 60
Foto & film: Thomas Zamolo